Srinivasa Ramanujan: Great Mathematician

Great Mathematician

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India's great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar, who is counted among the best mathematical thinkers of recent times. 

He didn't take any special training in mathematics, yet he achieved the feat of an excellent mathematician.

The main reason for his success was his interest, allow us to understand from one incident -

Srinivasa Ramanujan was more curious about mathematics and studied mathematics more in every class. His interest in mathematics in school XI resulted in such failure that he failed altogether subjects except for mathematics. 

Albeit he failed within the 11th thanks to this interest, but thanks to this he became famous among the good mathematicians of India.

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Introduction - 

Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887 to a Brahmin family in a village called Erode in the Coimbatore district. 

His father Srinivasa Iyengar was an accountant during a local haberdashery. His mother's name was Komalthammal. 

At the age of 1, he settled in Kumbakonam together with his family. He was married at the age of twenty-two to Janaki, 10 years younger than him. On today (April 26) 1920, at the age of 33 years, thanks to tuberculosis, he got absorbed within the 'Panch Tattva'.

Contribution to Mathematics- Ramanujan, who received the membership of Trinity College in 1918, was the primary Indian to try to do so. He achieved this through his contributions to mathematics.

Formulas And Equations -

  • In his short life, Ramanujan compiled equations and symbols. His important works include the infinite series of pi.
  • He also provided a variety of formulas for calculating the digits of pi, which were different from traditional methods.

Game Theory - 

Plays an important role within the development of a theory of games to unravel challenging mathematical problems and make maths easier.

Ramanujan Number -

  • Ramanujan Number I.E. Ramanujan's greatest contribution to mathematics is taken into account to be 1729.
  • It is the littlest number that will be written because of the sum of two cubes in two alternative ways.

Learn from Ramanujan's personality - 

Ramanujan also didn't wish to read like other students. But he had an excellent desire to understand, he wont to ask his gurus tons like- who was the primary person within the world? what's the space between sky and earth? How deep and large is that the ocean?

Ramanujan was more curious about such investigative questions and arithmetic was his favorite subject. thanks to the tendency to be more curious about an equivalent field, Ramanujan came to be recognized as an excellent mathematician.

In today's time, students remain confused about any subject or field, in order that they aren't ready to succeed much. 

The resolve of an excellent genius to follow his noble thoughts on his death anniversary can really pave the way for our journey to success.

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